Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grammar Assignment

I'm pretty bad at grammar:(

1. The dim light is hurting my eyes.
2. You’re hurting my arms with those books.
3. There are only two solutions to the problem that are feasible.
4. The English teacher Mrs. Baron has written a book that has a lot of information about education.
5. The Baron Banner is a student- run publication and a public forum for student expression.
6. I want to work at different restaurant because I hate my boss.
7. I do work that I hate instead of doing work I enjoy at a restaurant that I like.
8. I want to spend time with my best friend every weekend.
9. Every time I play this game good it gives me points.
10. The objective to educate is the only teaching method that is the same for every teacher.

How'd I do?


Zack said...

1. Good.
2. Good.
3. Technically good. It would sound better to say "There are only two feasible solutions to the problem."
4. Kind of good. It's okay to say that the book "has a lot of information", but it's better to say that the book "includes a lot of information.
5. No space between "student-" and "run". It should read "student-run", not "student- run". But I'm sure that was just a typo. I might be wrong, but I don't think there needs to be another "a" before "public forum. I think to should read "The Baron Banner is a student-run publication and public forum". Better double check that one.
6. Fine.
7. Woah. What? Hold on, lemme read that again...
... ok, that sentence was a bit too complicated. Hmm, I don't think that there's anything grammatically wrong with that sentence other than a missing "that" in front of "I hate", but there's something about sentence that causes it to be difficult to read. How about, "Instead of enjoying my work at a restaurant that I like"...
I don't know. There's something odd about that sentence. Could someone else help me out here? Victoria?
8. Fine.
9. Blegh. Grammatically, you have no problems, but to say it like that? Blagh. Try using a word more interesting than "good". It destroys the whole sentence when you say it so boringly.
10. Gah! That's just like number 7! Try reformatting it to sound better. How about, "The only teaching method that all teachers have in common is the goal of education."

Make sure that every sentence you write is smooth to the eye and easy to read. That doesn't mean to make it simple enough for an eight year old to read or that you should write like Ernest Hemingway, but only that you should make yourself clear.

Other than that, you didn't do too bad. You're really not that bad at grammar! Actually, looking back, you had no grammatical errors at all.
Good words, wrong order.
Arrange your words better and you'll be set!

By the way, if you find any grammatical errors in my own reply, don't call me a hypocrite. I don't worry about it when I'm writing informally.

Have a nice day!

talk about a wall of words.

baronbannerdavid said...

Wow, Zack. Lots of feedback.
Beat me to the punch.
The only other comment I can make is that on number nine, it should be "play that game well" not "good".
"Well" is used when describing an action.
"You did this assignment well."
"Good" is used to describe a noun.
"You did a good job on this assignment."