Monday, October 20, 2008

Here's what I really said:

Ok, so your walking down the hall and…oh no! You forgot to tell your mom it's a minimum day and you need to be picked up early! You reach into your pocket to get your phone and start dialing numbers when…*dun dun dun*…a big bad security guard comes and snatches your phone away. You cry and you cry while the security guard walks away…
I have to confess that things aren't THAT dramatic when it comes to getting caught breaking the rules. But I can understand how it can be scary. Security guards are tough cookies. Crying and pleading does not work and of course you think you're the innocent victim in all this.

And for some cases I would have to agree. For example: false accusation. Sophomore Journey Wright says, "Sometimes when I'm walking down a hall a security guard stops me and asks me if I'm under the influence. I can't help it if my eyes are a little red in the morning!" I personally think that it's wrong to assume someone of doing anything. And harassing students at dances for having gum in their mouth? Sophomore Savannah Webster says, "At the Aloha dance they yelled at me for having gum and started asking me all these lame questions about what I did that night. But I didn't know that "no gum" was a rule. And I always chew gum, even when my breath doesn't smell bad."

C'mon Mister, you didn't have to attack the poor girl! She just didn't want to have bad breath for that cute boy she's hoping to dance with. And I don't want to talk down on our students but, honestly, why would we go to a school function if we had access to alcohol? Think about it.

Alright, alright I know you guys are just here to discipline because us high school kids are such animals. I mean, take Allison Lang for example. She came to school with a halter tank top on that left her shoulders bare! Crazy right? Wrong. Miss Lang says "I came to school early for my zero period and I was ALREADY getting in trouble. I wanted to look really cute that day and I figured maybe a tank top would be a great way to keep cool since summer had just ended and it was still 90 degrees out. But I guess it didn't look that cute after all." I'm sorry, but that just makes me sad. It was 7 o clock in the morning and the girl was wearing a tank top that didn't reveal anything but the top of her back and her shoulders. What's it to you?

Don't. Even. Get. Me. Started. About. The. Phone. Policy.

Teachers and staff, you remember what it's like to be a teenager. Once we're told what not to do, it only makes us want to do it more. Who's to say how many of us probably will? You do the math.

High school is a place where you grow and (hopefully) mature over the years. Personally kids, I don't feel like I'm growing up at all because I'm still being told what not to do, what not to wear, and what not to bring to school. End of discussion. Have a nice day!

Monday, October 13, 2008

What have you done lately?

YouDontKnowMe invites you to :
Hey guys!
Guess what?
I have found a new way to make a difference.
Most of you have probably already heard of Social Vibe.
It's a site where you earn "points" and then those points are turned into money that goes to a certain cause.
You can choose your own cause and your own sponsor and you earn points by doing things as simple as logging on, putting up photos, taking personality surveys, and telling your friends about it.
Causes include organizations like To Write Love On Her Arms (the cause I chose, if you were wondering), Invisible Children, and PETA.
There are sponsors like Volcom, Hello Kitty, Converse (my sponsor), and sooo many more.
I've only been on social vibe for a week and I already have 780 points. My cause has only achieved 14% of it's goal and has raised about $19, 000.
C'mon guys, I know your'e always on the internet already! You might as well make a difference while you're at it.
It's free and probably the easiest thing in the world.
I'd tell you a lot more but you're just gonna have to sign up and see

Oh, and by the way
Could I sound any more like a commercial?