Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yesterday is history,

Tomorrow is a mystery
but today is a gift.
(that's why it's called the present)

Im watching Kung Fu Panda with my bro and I really liked this little "quote" the weird turtle guy said.

Anyways, everytime I hear it, it gets me thinking. 'Cause in a way I kinda don't get it.

Yesterday is history.
Soo forget it right?
I mean don't forget it..but don't dwell?
Cause it's gone.
Just learn and move on.
Am I right?
I have trouble with this concept. Everyone is always saying "No regrets". And if asked if you would go back in time, your answer is no.
Pshh, BS.
C'mon guys, I'm not lyin. If someone came up to me with a real deal time machine, I'd jump right in. We all wanna go back an re-live stuff. Don't even lie...
No. But seriously..I'm having MAJOR issues with the whole "Don't regret" deal. I'm trying though..

Tomorrow is a mystery.
I'm deathly afraid.
One year and 26 days and im 18.
And i'm an adult..I dont want to be an adult. I dont want to be responsible.
I am so very, very scared for the future. I can't even look into it. I can't even plan it!
I mean, the thought of me off at college, living on my own, dealing with my own money and then graduating and having a career and then getting married and having kids...it's scary. I don't know if it's easy for you to think about it, and if it is your gonna have to tell me how you do it. Cause I can't.

Today is a gift
I guess you can kind of guess that i agree with this considering that last little rant..
well, today is a gift. a very weird weathered gift. and this is me right now..typing this...
i dont really know where to go from that =p
but i do know that i really need to catch up on my other homework.

have a good night =p


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